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Annual General Meeting

Arrangements for the 2024 AGM
This year’s AGM will be in-person. Shareholders can submit questions related to the business of the AGM, in advance in writing or by email. Further details of how to submit questions in advance of the Meeting are set out below.

Any updates regarding the AGM will be included on our website at www.bakkavor.com and announced via a Regulatory News Service.

Your vote
If you are unable to attend the Meeting in person, the Board recommends that you complete and return your proxy instruction form appointing Simon Burke, as the Chair of the Meeting, as your proxy. This will ensure that your vote will be counted. Further details on how to appoint a proxy are provided on page 8 of the Notice of AGM. All proxy instructions must be received by the Company’s Registrar, Equiniti Limited as soon as possible but, in any event, no later than 10.00am on Tuesday 21 May 2024. Either send or deliver your completed and signed proxy instruction form to Equiniti Limited, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA. If you wish, you may register the appointment of a proxy for the AGM electronically, by visiting the Company’s Registrar’s website www.shareview.co.uk.

If you are an institutional investor, you may be able to appoint a proxy electronically via the Proxymity platform, a process which has been agreed by the Company and approved by the Company’s Registrar. Your proxy must be lodged no later than 10.00am on Tuesday 21 May 2024 to be considered valid. For further information regarding Proxymity, please see page 8 of the Notice of AGM or visit www.proxymity.io.

Shareholder engagement
The Board places great importance on understanding the issues of concern to you as shareholders. Shareholders can submit questions related to the business of the AGM in advance of the Meeting in writing or by email. Please submit your question by sending it, together with your name as it appears on the Company’s register of members to the following email address: company.secretariat@bakkavor.com to be received no later than 10.00am on Tuesday 14 May 2024. We will publish on our website our responses to the questions received, by 5.00pm on Thursday 16 May 2024. For any questions received after the deadline we will answer these following the Meeting.


The improved strength of the Group's financial position and continued strong cash generation support our long-term growth aspirations and commitment to increasing returns to shareholders. With profit after tax up £10.1m or 40.2% in the 26-week period ended 29 June 2024 and an uplift in profit guidance for the full year, the Board approved an interim dividend of 3.20 pence per Ordinary share, up 10.0% on the prior period.

The interim dividend will be paid on 11 October 2024 to shareholders on the register of members as at 13 September 2024 (the record date). Going forward, the Board expects to maintain a progressive dividend policy.


Telephone: 0371 384 2030 (in the UK) or +44 (0) 121 415 7047 (outside the UK) (lines open 8.30am to 5.30pm (UK time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in England and Wales))

Post: Equiniti Limited, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, United Kingdom

Analyst coverage

Company Contact Name Telephone Number Email
Berenberg Aston Olds +44 2037 533 236 ashton.olds@berenberg.com
Citigroup Cedric Besnard +33 (1) 7075 5276 cedric.besnard@citi.com
Goodbody Jason Molins +353 (1) 641 9141 jason.molins@goodbody.ie
HSBC Doriana Russo +44 (0) 203 359 5588 doriana.russo@hsbc.com
Investec Nicola Mallard +44 (0) 207 597 5053 nicola.mallard@investec.co.uk
Kepler Karel Zoete +31 (20) 563 2370 kzoete@keplercheuvreux.com
Numis Securities Ltd Damian McNeela +44 (0) 207 260 1437 d.mcneela@numis.com
Peel Hunt Charles Hall +44 (0) 207 418 8955 charles.hall@peelhunt.com


Bakkavor’s registrar is Equiniti

If you have any queries regarding your shareholding, or any of your information needs to be updated, please contact Equiniti using the details below:

  • Equiniti Limited
  • Aspect House
  • Spencer Road
  • Lancing
  • BN99 6DA

Website: www.shareview.co.uk

Shareholder helpline: 03456 037 037 - Lines are open Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm for dealing, and until 6:00pm for enquiries

Notices of Redemption